The Killing Trade

In this cold and faceless room
Just a number on a cage
A thing without a name

Locked in cages neat and clean
Waiting fearfully to go
Where so many more have been
Fearing what I've never seen 

Have seen the hands that deal in pain
And the blade when freshly stained
Empty cages that fill again 

But I have seen their shapes
Moving silently past the iron grill
Maybe they'll overlook me
If I just stay quiet and still
And breathe a little less I'm sure they will

Now as each moment flickers past
While in their mercy left
I pray to their god not mine
Till the curious blade divides

My heart keeps missing at each fearful sound
Unscrewed and burning turning inside out
In senseless fear
As the moment of my death draws near

Link to play the song

Copyright control: Tony Nicholson


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